The Solidoodle 2 is a great printer right out of the box, but there are still some very easy modifications that can be made to add improvements.
SD2 Modifications, w/Instructions, Reviews, & End Results:
- Z Axis Anti-Backlash
- Z axis custom nut replacement (Fixes backlash the proper way)
- SS Bed Cover
- Replacing Z-Axis Walkthrough
Printable Modifications:
- Printable Filament Guide/Cleaner (alternate)
- Printable Filament Guide (For early SD2 models)
- Printable Door Knob
- Printable Door Latch
- Printable Fan Mount and Duct
- Printable Thumbscrews for bed leveling
- Printable Dial Indicator Mount (alternate)
- Printable Wiring Bundle Guide
- Printable Lower Z-Screw Mount
- Printable SD2 Spool Crutch