From time to time users have challenges with prints not sticking to their platforms. While this may be alarming at first, it is perfectly normal and easily fixed. Generally speaking the problem can be alleviated by performing the following procedures correctly.
1) Leveling the Print Bed
This tutorial will help guide you through the leveling process. Having a level print bed will ensure a great first layer. Even print beds will reduce the risk of the extruder nozzle scraping against the print, which could knock it off the platform otherwise. There are great examples of good and bad first layers located here.
2) Calibrating the Z Limit Switch
Adjusting the Z-Offset is arguably the easiest way to produce a wonderful first layer. This is the start of a great first print. The tutorial First Layers- Setting The Z Offset should help you get started.
3) Increasing your Bed Temperature
The sole purpose of the Solidoodle heated bed is to assist your prints in sticking. Prints with a larger base are more prone to error. Make sure your bed has been set to at least 85C for the best results. Raising your bed temperature a couple of degrees may help if you are still experiencing difficulties with prints sticking to the build platform.
4) Treating the Bed
There are several different ways to treat your bed to help create a surface to which filament is more likely to stick. Many people find this to be the most effective way to get prints to stick to your bed. For the more difficult prints, some type of bed treatment will probably be necessary. Try experimenting with different combinations of bed treatments to find what works best for you.
If you follow all 4 of these steps, you will be more successful in the sticking of your prints. If you are still experiencing challenges or have any questions, please contact support:
support [at] solidoodle . com